A Romantic Weekend Getaway in Gramado, Brazil

alt= "Your guide to a romantic weekend in Gramado, Brazil"

Flowers, Christmas lights, fondue, and chocolatiers made the perfect romantic getaway. After spending about two weeks in Southern Brazil, my husband took me to Gramado, just the two of us, for the weekend. It was such a fun escape. I fell in love with the city, I think because it reminds me of my hometown, New Braunfels (Click here to read about my hometown).

Gramado is a German city in southern Brazil. It is located in the mountainous region of the Serra Gaúcha and is part of the Região das Hortênsias (Hydrangeas Region). This quaint town has stunning Bavarian-style architecture, making you feel like you have teleported to another country.

Day 1:

Getting to Gramado and Where to Stay

We got a rental car and drove from Porto Alegre to Gramado, totaling about 2 hours of driving. If you are staying in Rio Grande do Sul, it will be easy to get to Gramado by car. Renting a car is certainly worth it. Plus, they only cost about $20 per day.

Upon arrival, we stayed at my husband’s mom’s friend’s condo (a mouthful, I know 😂). But, there are many hotels in Gramado for great prices. The city is also small so you can walk most places from your hotel.

Strolling Through the City

After checking into the condo, we explored the city, admiring the hydrangea and Christmas decorations.

Next, we went to one of the bars to get Chopp (unpasteurized beer) and walked around the city some more.

Then, we walked to Lago Negro, one of the most famous sights in Gramado. There, you can rent paddle boats or walk on the nature trails.

Relax, Then Dinner

After lots of walking around, we returned to the condo to relax and get ready for dinner.

There are lots of good restaurants to choose from. The food in Brazil is amazing (Click here to check out my foodie’s guide to Brazil), so you can’t go wrong in choosing a place to dine. However, I recommend getting fondue. The main course is served with various dipping sauces, farofa, veggies, potatoes, and meat. The dessert fondue has a mini chocolate fountain with fruits to dip inside.

At first, we tried going to Chateau de la Fondue, one of the most famous fondue restaurants. However, there was a long wait. So, one of the locals told us to try Joaquina, which has the same owner. There was no wait, and the food was excellent.

Afterward, we walked around the city and looked at the lights.

Day 2:

To start, we went chocolate shopping. There are many chocolate shops around the city, each offering a fun experience. One of the most famous chocolatiers is Lugano.

Finally, to end the trip, we went to a nearby city called Canela on our way out. There, we saw the most spectacular view of the mountains.

alt= "Beautiful view of the mountains in Canela, Brazil"


I hope you enjoyed reading about Gramado. If you plan a trip to Southern Brazil, you must visit Gramado. Because the city is small, you only need about 2-3 days to see everything.

Madison Marie

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